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organic farming program of Adara Farmstay - sustainable green livelihood in India


We want to show how small-scale organic farming can contribute to healthy and green planet. There is a lot of knowledge and potential in India. Traditional ways can be combined with innovative ideas to adapt to (changing) local conditions.

  • Providing work-grow places for women

  • Providing healthy food for the homestay

  • Produce and processing of herbal teas & eco-products

  • Combining a (food) forest and biodiversity sanctuary with beekeeping on 1/2 acre of land.

  • Combining permaculture techniques with local traditions, creating natural ecosystems for all life.

  • Rainwater harvesting and greywater re-use will help combat droughts.

In an era of urban development, we aim to remind people what is possible with land. Flourishing gardens increase our quality of life. Adara's garden is an example for our greater agenda: to raise  awareness and discuss the possibility of towns being green and vibrant. Small-scale organic farming can help to mitigate climate change too.

Organic farming Himalayas
Sustainable farming Himalayas
Organic farming Himalayas
oranic farming
quality education, sustainable interactive learning program at Adara Farmstay - sustainable child empowerment in India


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The education we offer youth is complementary to what can already be found locally. Indian school systems are  focused on a passive intellectual learning. We think that interactive learning is valuable too. That’s why we aim to offer educative programs that combine skills, knowledge and experience.

  • We give everyday tuitions to a small group of underpriviliged children. We teach English, maths, outdoor games, waste awareness, art, music, yoga, cooking, etc.

  • We aim to engage students in a learning-by-doing, where woodworking/cooking/tailoring/etc. can become a part of the student's education.

  • A personal approach is very important. Everyone has different talents. The more we know our talents, the more we can live our full potential.

  • In near future, we aim to offer a range of programs that support individual and communal development, such as: woodwork, homestay running, tailoring, English communication, farming, pottery and so on. These programs are for local community members who want to get a work-growth-learn place at Adara. This way, finding purpose and making a living are combined.

Alternative education program India
Sustainable education program India
Sustainable education
Quality education India
New education system India
quality education
women empowerment
women empowerment in rural India Himalayan mountain area, skill development, tailoring and baking programs


Empowering women is an honour, as we see their capacity to transform their communities. All they need is some vision, confidence, skills and tools. They bloom into resilient leaders.

  • Our tailoring & bakery programs ensure employment and skill development for a group of young adult women.

  • We provide entrepreneurial training, to grow a mindset that sustains their future.

  • The homestay and farm provide several work-grow places for women.

  • We aim to collaborate with different organisations and expand our impact for women.m

Women empowerment India
Bakery Pauri Garhwal
waste management
green livelihood development in Pauri, Uttarakhand, India, Himalayan region at Adara Farmstay


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As consumption patterns grow, waste is a challenge on global and local scale. The same is true for India. In many places there are no systems for waste reduction, re-usage and recycling. There is a culture of dumping waste out in the open and open waste burning. Both cause harm to the environment and health. Adara serves as a model for green and sustainable life in the Himalayan area.

  • On our farmland we already collected 900 litres of waste.

  • We segregate wet waste (food and garden waste) from dry waste (plastics e.g.). Wet waste is used in our compost system, which benefits the farm.

  • We re-use waste where we can. We grow seedlings in plastic bottles, pimp glass jars for spices, etc. 

  • All food for the homestay is local and we use little packaged items. The farm supports this lifestyle.

  • We aim to install a solar system and water harvesting.

  • We want to extend the program of 'green livelihood' within Pauri. Interactive education (for youth) will be an important aspect for the program. This way we inspire and empower the next generation to make conscious change. We also want to organise clean-ups, assign green & clean areas and waste pick-up instead of burning or dumping.

Waste management Pauri
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