unity in diversity
To inspire the world to move towards abundant, aware and simple life while empowering local community in India. We do this by offering an environment to work, learn and grow under an umbrella of programs related to self-reliance and sustainability.
A world where everyone is encouraged to live up to his or her fullest potential, and where communities resonate with joy, care, inspiration, curiosity and awareness.
Our Mission
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•समुदाय विकास •पर्यावरण पर्यटन •प्रेरणादायक केंद्र
Adara is being built by local and international community. We work with different Nepalese families, some residing at Adara. The position of many Nepalese in India has scope for improvement. We provide adults with work opportunities while children receive education. All for the purpose of growth and empowerment. There are also collaborations with neighbours and skilled workers. Lastly, we have a volunteer-based program where more than 40 volunteers have transformed the space.
We are looking forward to collaborate with more organisations and people in future.
Karan Juyal and Lieke Hulshof founded Adara in April 2021.
Karan grew up in Pauri. As a boy he walked to school, playing and running across the farms in his free time. Later he moved to the city Dehradun. He studied engineering and taught himself music, English and yoga. Later he performed as a solo-musician, organised hiking tours and worked in a homestay.
Lieke grew up as a Dutch girl with comfort around her. She has lived in a variety of countries, studied Social Geography, explored painting and poetry, worked in Tanzania for Justdiggit (an NGO that restores landscapes to mitigate climate change) after which she decided to go to India for a course in organic farming.
Their different backgrounds and qualities help for common dreams and visions. Karan is the main connector between ideas and local people. He handles logistics and communications on the ground. He ensures that local skills, know-how and resources are well implemented. Lieke takes up international and organisational networking. She focuses on fundraise, promotion and collaboration. Together they work on long-term vision and plans and make decisions for the programs.